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Why does my business need an App?

First up, when I say ‘an App’, I’m referring to a mobile app — you know, those applications we download from the iOS AppStore or Google Play store for our mobile devices?

I’m not saying that your organisation 100% needs a mobile app. However it is worth considering the benefits one could provide.

Why is Mobile sooo important?

It’s reported that we spend as much as 1.5hrs per day on our mobile devices. Mightn’t sound like much? This equates to:

  • 10% of each waking day
  • 23 full days each year!!

And Apps specifically? A report from Nielsen concludes that 89% of mobile time, is spent within an app — as opposed to general mobile web browsing.

This mobile-first trend is only increasing, where findings show that since 2014, mobile web usage overtook desktop.

What are the benefits of an App?

Here’s a quick (and not exhaustive) list with some of the benefits an App can provide your business.

  1. Create More Visibility to Customers
    Having your brand’s logo in the form of an App Icon on your customer’s home screens builds brand recognition and keeps you at their forefront.
  2. A More Direct Marketing Channel
    With an app installed, businesses are able to push a direct alert in the form of a push notification. Imagine that you have a new product, promotion, sale etc — within moments, your customers will be alerted.
  3. Increase Productivity and Reduce Costs
    We see so many businesses who force their employees to process data manually and inefficiently. Whether employees need to take notes on paper and then re-enter it into a desktop workstation, or simply having to print off invoices to pack orders.
    Mobile apps can enable your staff to increase productivity by having a portable workstation where they only need to input data once.
  4. Increase Engagement and Customer Loyalty
    Build something sincere that will assist your customers, and brand engagement and therefore loyalty will soar.
    We’ve seen one of our client’s customer engagement increase from 1min per visit (on their website) to 9mins on average via their App.
  5. Create a Value-Add for Your Customers
    Build something great that your customers will need and use. From digitising your loyalty program to providing helpful information — the possibilities are endless.
  6. Stand Out From Your Competition
    Take a massive leap ahead of your competition while Apps are still rare in your industry.

I’m sure there’s even more benefits you can come up with. Let me know in the comments below!

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